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Dr. Lee Brotherston
Mar 9, 20203 min read
Concussions: Myths vs. Facts
If someone tells you they can cure your concussion, run away. There are no treatments available that are curative for concussions.

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Jan 22, 20201 min read
Massage Therapy in Beaverton!
Whether you’re looking to relax, speed your recovery from an injury, enhance your athletic performance, or reduce pregnancy related aches an

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Aug 28, 20182 min read
How to prevent back pain in kids
Did you know that more than 50 per cent of young people will experience at least one episode of lower back pain by the time they reach...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Jul 3, 20181 min read
We now offer acupuncture!
We are happy to report the latest service we offer out of our Uxbridge location! We will now be offering acupuncture treatments, provided...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Jun 26, 20181 min read
We're in the news!
We're excited to be featured in the Brock Citizen! Check out the article below: Life-long Brock Township residents, Dr. Colleen Woodward...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Jun 12, 20182 min read
An unhealthy fear of healthy movement
Different people have different phobias. Some are perfectly rational – like the fear of heights, the CRA, and clowns. These are...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Jun 4, 20183 min read
What is the ketogenic diet, and can I really butter my bacon?
By now you’ve surely heard of the ketogenic diet. But if you haven’t, it’s the reason people are smushing up avocados and putting it on...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Jun 4, 20182 min read
Putting some science into the wheel size debate.
Everybody has a preferred wheel size that they think is best, and anyone who rides something different does because they aren’t as...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
May 26, 20181 min read
Another year with UXC!
We are proud to continue our support of UXC, Uxbridge’s cross-country mountain bike race team. As the official manual therapy providers...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
May 4, 20181 min read
Hey Beaverton! We're open and accepting patients!
It’s been a long time coming, but we’re delighted to say that our second clinic is up and running. Having grown up in Beaverton myself,...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Apr 18, 20181 min read
When the shoe doesn't fit
“I’m a size 10. I’m always a size 10.” This is the response I often get when I ask people what size shoe they’re wearing. Unfortunately,...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Apr 3, 20181 min read
We are coming to Beaverton!
That’s right, we are opening a second clinic in the Beaverton Thorah Health Centre. Beaverton has long been in need of high-quality...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Feb 6, 20182 min read
Move like a baby.
We learn a lot as we develop and grow. Many things that are common sense to us now were not innately understood as babies. Rarely do I...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Feb 6, 20181 min read
Welcome Anton, RMT!
We are incredibly excited to welcome Anton Filatov, Registered Massage Therapist, to the Oak Ridges Health team! When you’re the son of...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Feb 5, 20182 min read
Chiropractic is a profession not a treatment.
You can use the analogy of not all cars are created equal, or not all coffee is great. But it probably makes more sense to compare...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Dec 19, 20173 min read
Understanding Pain
What is pain and why does it hurt?! In trying to think of the easiest way to explain this, I thought it best to first learn a bit of...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Dec 14, 20172 min read
Pillow Talk
What type of pillow should I use? Patients of ours know that we ask a lot of questions about sleep such as, do you get a good night...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Nov 30, 20172 min read
What makes us different? Glad you asked!
Something we get asked a lot is, "I've been to a chiropractor before. What makes you different?" We love this question because it gives...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Nov 30, 20172 min read
Compression socks - these aren't your grandma's graduated compression stockings!
Compression socks are used by a number of different people for a number of different reasons. They are often prescribed to help deal with...

Dr. Lee Brotherston
Nov 23, 20171 min read
Prenatal massage - if there was ever a time to get a massage, this is it!
We probably don’t have to try too hard to convince you that getting a massage when you’re pregnant is a good idea. You’re tired, your...
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